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Faculty Of Pharmacy

Development, preparation and delivery of all kinds of drugs used in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases; informing patients accurately about drug use and drug-related problems; analysis of the drug, surveillance of its safety, efficacy and cost; the health service that carries out activities related to standardization and quality assurance related to drugs is called "Pharmacy". A healthcare professional who graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy and is authorized to carry out pharmacy activities is called a "Pharmacist". The Faculty of Pharmacy is a 5-year undergraduate program covering theoretical and practical courses. Practical courses, which form the basis of pharmacy education, take place in the laboratories of the faculty of pharmacy. In addition, students have the opportunity to do internships in hospitals, pharmacies and pharmaceutical factories due to the compulsory internship they have to complete during their education.

The Faculty of Pharmacy is an institution that has a special place among Yeditepe University Educational Institutions and has a brand value, as well as a faculty that aims to graduate students fully equipped with the latest technological opportunities. Thanks to our qualified academic staff, laboratory facilities, our language of instruction are English, and our strong cooperation with all stakeholders and especially with the pharmaceutical industry, our students graduate from our faculty with all the competencies in the field of pharmacy. Students can closely follow scientific studies related to their field around the world with its library with extensive electronic and printed resources. In addition to all these, students are offered the opportunity to do internships in pharmaceutical companies with which the faculty cooperates and to find a job in these companies after graduation. Collaborations within the scope of ERASMUS+, extensive internship opportunities both at homeland and abroad, and extensive minor and double major opportunities offer our students the opportunity to gain broad and different experiences. In line with these opportunities, Yeditepe University is at the top of the ranking list of pharmacy faculties in Turkey. Yeditepe University, which has a distinguished place both among the universities in our country and in the world, is an educational institution for prospective students to make sure that they make the right choice.


Within the scope of the ERASMUS+ program, which is organized by the European Union and whose basic philosophy is defined as "Lifelong Learning Activities", there are student exchange programs (Study Mobility) and internship opportunities abroad (Internship Mobility). The aim of the ERASMUS+ Program is to develop projects to provide students with international education opportunities, to contribute to cultural development, to support academic exchange between universities and to increase cooperation in fields such as internships. In this context, it may be possible for our academically successful students of Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy to complete one or two semesters of their education abroad at universities that have signed an agreement with our faculty. In this context, our faculty has signed ERASMUS+ agreements with seven different pharmacy faculties in European Union member countries, and it contributes to both academic and cultural development of our students by allowing them to continue their education in 6 different European Union countries within the scope of this program.

Double Major Program

Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy can participate in double major programs in the following departments, starting from the third semester of their undergraduate education.

  • Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department
  • Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Business Administration Department
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Nutrition and Dietetics Department 

Click: Double Major Programs


Minor Program 

Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy can participate in the minor program in the departments specified in the table in the link given below, starting from the third and latest sixth semester of undergraduate education. 

Click: Minor Programs

Pharmacists are healthcare professionals responsible for the safe and effective use of a drug. In this context, the role of the pharmacist is great in many fields related to the drug. After graduating from the Faculty of Pharmacy, there are many employment areas where the pharmacist can work. Here, the person can choose a path according to his/her individual characteristics and preferences. A pharmacy store comes to mind first in society when it comes to pharmacy, and the most important employment area of pharmacists is pharmacy stores where primary health care is provided. Graduates can open their own pharmacies in the province or district where they are located in accordance with the legislation (law), as well as work as an assistant pharmacist or secondary pharmacist in pharmacies, and also as a pharmacist in hospital pharmacies. Apart from this, pharmacists are preferred primarily in many different departments in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetic and medical device companies. With the introduction of clinical pharmacy and phytopharmacy specialization training in our country with the Pharmacy Specialization Examination (EUS), a new employment area has been opened for pharmacists. On the other hand, there are job opportunities in pharmaceutical warehouses and also in various public institutions. Graduates who want to continue their academic careers can participate in the master's and doctorate programs of their choice in line with their career goals and have the opportunity to work as an academician.

You can access the table of the Association of TYYÇ-PDR Programme Qualifications here.

To access the qualification, you can access the website or scan the QR code below. Qualification code: TR003003030309



Qualification Code


Qualification TitleBachelor's Diploma in Pharmacy (English)
Awarding BodyYeditepe University
Awarding Body Contactİnönü Mah, Kayışdağı Cd. No:326A, 34755 Ataşehir/İstanbul
Awarding Body Url
EQF Level66  The Qualification has been included in TQF on 18/07/2023
TQF Level6
Thematic AreasPharmacy
National Occupation ClassificationISCO:08
Credit Value300
Program Duration5 Yıl
Program ProfileThe vision of the Faculty of Pharmacy is to educate pharmacists who are preferred in the pharmacy sector (including community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, researchers, and academics), equipped with knowledge and skills, to strengthen existing collaborations with pharmaceutical industry and research and development units, and to contribute at a scientific level.
Learning Environments

Education is conducted formally, through open or distance learning methods. Additionally, practical training is implemented in the form of internships or on-the-job training in laboratories and workshops within higher education institutions or in the industry, health institutions, and workplaces.

This program is also offered with a full scholarship.

  • Has national and international up-to-date, theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of pharmacy
  • Defines problems related to the profession, collects data, evaluates its accuracy and reliability, develops evidence-based solutions, shares them with healthcare professionals, makes necessary explanations to other people.
  • Communicates accurately and effectively in accordance with cultural and ethical values with all relevant professional groups, especially those working in the field of health, and all segments of society, using information and communication technologies.
  • Takes into account the law and ethics when dealing with public health issues.
  • Acts as a pharmacist with high career awareness, self-confidence, leadership spirit, who is prone to teamwork, entrepreneurial, productive and able to manage financial resources.
  • Based on the principle of pharmaceutical care, Acts as an easily accessible health consultant with a patient-oriented approach and plays an active role in constantly informing the society.
  • Improves his/her knowledge by participating in in-service training and activities in line with the needs of the century and society, takes part in the professional development of colleagues and adopts the lifelong learning principle.
  • Suggests and manages multidisciplinary / interdisciplinary research and development projects related to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices and shares their results.
  • Applies knowledge and skills for the benefits of the society taking part in social responsibility projects.
  • Fulfills the requirements of quality management systems using the theoretical and applied knowledge acquired in the field.


Key Competencies

The program possesses advanced levels of the following key competencies:

  1. Literacy
  2. Multilingualism
  3. Mathematical competency and proficiency in science, technology, and engineering
  4. Digital competency
  5. Personal, social, and learning-to-learn competency
  6. Citizenship competency
  7. Entrepreneurship competency
  8. Cultural awareness and expression competency
Further Info

According to Article 42 of the Yeditepe University Associate and Bachelor’s Education-Teaching Regulation and Clause 9 of the Senate decision numbered 2019-12 dated November 5, 2009, examinations, assessments, and grading are conducted.


(1) Students are assigned a letter grade as a success grade based on the numerical values of the grades given by the instructor for each course, taking into account practices, laboratory works, and similar activities as well as examinations and academic activities during the semester.

(2) The success grades and their coefficients are shown in the table below:

Success Grade Coefficient Score

AA 4.0 90-100

BA 3.5 80-89

BB 3.0 70-79

CB 2.5 60-69

CC 2.0 50-59

FF Failed (Failing the final exam) 49-0

FA Failed (Due to absenteeism, not eligible to take the final exam)


(3) Additionally, the following abbreviations are used according to students' situations:

a) I-Incomplete: Given to students who cannot complete the required work for the course due to valid reasons. These students must complete the deficiencies required by the I grade by the add/drop date of the following semester; if not completed by this date, the I grade automatically converts to FF.

b) L-Leave: Used for students who are on leave in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

c) NC-Non-Credit: Used for courses taken without credit.

d) ND-Non-Degree: Used for courses taken at Yeditepe University that are not intended for a degree, whether credit-bearing or not, and are not included in the GPA calculation.

e) P-Pass: Given to students who pass courses that are not included in the GPA calculation.

f) R-Repeat: Indicates that the course is being repeated.

g) RR-Repeat Resigned: Given for courses repeated with the intention of improving grades.

h) T-Transfer: Used for courses transferred from within or outside the higher education institution, approved by the relevant management board, and included in the GPA calculation. Courses transferred from abroad exchange programs are not included in the GPA calculation.

ğ) W-Withdrawal: Occurs after the course add/drop date within the period specified in the academic calendar each year, with the approval of the advisor.

h) X-In Progress: Given to students who are continuing with projects, theses, and similar work.

Quality Assurance

For monitoring the quality of higher education programs:

The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) is responsible for the planning, organization, management, and supervision of education, teaching, and other activities conducted in higher education institutions. Annual "University Monitoring and Evaluation Reports" prepared within the framework of criteria set by YÖK are published and shared with the public. Additionally, the "Foundation Higher Education Institutions Report," containing academic, administrative, and financial data of foundation higher education institutions, is published annually by YÖK and shared with the public. The quality assurance of undergraduate programs in higher education is ensured according to the "Procedures and Principles for Ensuring the Quality Assurance of Higher Education Diploma Programs":

Creation and Approval of Teaching Programs:

1.1. YÖK determines the minimum standards and criteria necessary for opening undergraduate departments and programs in higher education institutions.

1.2. The curriculum of undergraduate programs and the learning outcomes that each program will provide to students are determined by the senates of higher education institutions in accordance with the fundamental principles set by YÖK.

1.3. National Core Education Programs’ curricula are accepted by the Council of Deans and then implemented by higher education institutions upon YÖK’s approval.

Assessment-Evaluation: How the learning outcomes that each undergraduate program will provide to students are measured and evaluated is conducted according to the education, teaching, and examination regulations prepared by higher education institutions in accordance with the fundamental principles determined by YÖK.

Certification: Students enrolled in undergraduate programs receive a bachelor's degree upon successfully completing the designated course credits and other obligations determined by higher education institutions.

Internal Evaluation-External Evaluation: Higher education institutions enter their "Institutional Internal Evaluation Reports" of the previous year into the Information System prepared by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) at the beginning of each year. YÖKAK shares the "Institutional Feedback Report" prepared for the external evaluation of higher education institutions with the public. Moreover, accreditation decisions given by accreditation organizations authorized or recognized by YÖKAK also indicate that the competencies of the programs meet the quality assurance standards. YÖKAK conducts regular reviews of competencies as required by its regulations.

Pharmacy Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (ECZAKDER)


Access RequirementsStudents wishing to enroll in the program must complete the processes and pass the exams set by ÖSYM within the framework of the university's academic and legal regulations. Students who have started their studies in an equivalent program domestically or abroad can apply for lateral transfer. The acceptance of students is reviewed and evaluated individually before the term begins, considering each student's conditions and the degree they are applying for.
Conditions for SuccessStudents in this program must have a minimum General Grade Point Average of 2.00 out of 4.00 to graduate. The minimum credits required for graduation are 223, with a minimum of 300 ECTS. It is also mandatory for students to complete their required internships within the specified duration and characteristics.
Progression Paths (Relationship Type)Our graduates can operate their own pharmacies or work in pharmacies as assistant pharmacists or secondary pharmacists. They can also work in various departments of pharmaceutical companies, such as licensing, patenting, medical affairs, pharmacovigilance, clinical research, research and development (R&D), analytical development (An-D), marketing, pharmacoeconomics, production, quality assurance, and quality control, or in hospital pharmacies. Graduates who wish may join doctoral programs domestically or internationally and start an academic career beginning as research assistants at universities. To guide our students in setting their career goals, our faculty actively organizes career weeks and career days. For this purpose, our curriculum includes numerous guest lecturers from the industry.
Legal Basis

Higher Education Law No. 2547

1.1. Regulation on Transfers, Double Major, Minor and Inter-institutional Credit Transfer at Associate and Bachelor’s Level Programs in Higher Education Institutions

1.2. Regulation on Continuation of Undergraduate Education for Graduates of Vocational Schools and Open Education Associate Programs

Higher Education Law No. 2547 (Additional Article-35)

2.1. Regulation on Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board


Validity Period (If Any)The qualifications are continuously valid.