Yeditepe University Faculty of Pharmacy has been evaluated by ECZAK (National Accreditation Board of Pharmacy Education) and ECZAKDER (Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Pharmacy Education Programs) and has been entitled to "Full Accreditation" for 6 years and has signed a first among the Pharmacy Faculties in foundation universities.
AIM 1: To ensure that the undergraduate program is preferred by qualified students based on contemporary education and training activities
Goal 1.1. To provide an up-to-date and modern education service compatible with the pharmacy core education program
Goal 1.2. Increasing the opportunity of creating an academic program in line with the career goals of the student with an interdisciplinary understanding
Goal 1.3. Promoting participation in Erasmus+ mobility
Goal 1.4. Encouraging students' participation in R&D activities
Goal 1.5. Educating students with advanced innovation and entrepreneurship skills
Goal 1.6. Ensuring effective and sustainable development
AIM 2: Improving the quality and quantity of research activities
Goal 2.1. Developing academic staff competencies and employing academic staff in needed areas
Goal 2.2. Developing the quantity and quality of research assistants and experts
Goal 2.3. Improving infrastructure opportunities to conduct quality research
Goal 2.4. Developing multidisciplinary and/or international research participation studies
Goal 2.5. Developing university and outsourced projects
AIM 3: To train pharmacists who are well-versed in pharmaceutical care practices, lifelong learners, and who have good communication skills
Goal 3.1. Increasing practical skills combining basic and clinical pharmacy course contents
Goal 3.2. Increasing the number of scientific and cultural activities for students and pharmacists in order to develop professional and personal skills
Goal 3.3. Supporting student activities to strengthen social relations and communication
AIM 4: To train graduates with the competence to work in national and international pharmaceutical companies
Goal 4.1. Developing collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry
Goal 4.2. Increasing the number of students aiming to work in pharmaceutical companies
AIM 5. Developing the faculty's external stakeholder relations
Goal 5.1. Increasing communication with our alumni
Goal 5.2. Developing relations with all healthcare professionals
Goal 5.3. Developing relations with national/international professional organizations, NGOs, and official institutions çekirdek eğitim programına uyumlu güncel ve çağdaş bir eğitim hizmeti sunmak
Hedef 1.2. Disiplinler arası anlayış ile öğrencinin kariyer hedefleri doğrultusunda akademik program oluşturma olanağının artırılması
Hedef 1.3. Erasmus+ hareketliliğine katılımın teşvik edilmesi
Hedef 1.4. Öğrencilerin Ar-Ge faaliyetlerine katılımının teşvik edilmesi
Hedef 1.5. İnovasyon ve girişimcilik yeteneği gelişmiş öğrenciler yetiştirilmesi
Hedef 1.6. Etkin ve sürdürülebilir iyileşmenin sağlanması