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Prof. Ahmet Aydın talked about "Innovations and New Approaches in University Education"

Ahmet Aydın

Yeditepe University Vice Rector and also Head of Pharmaceutical Toxicology Department of Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Ahmet Aydın was the guest of Dr. Görkem İldaş, in the program "Yolun Başındayken" broadcasts on Habertürk TV on June 7, 2022. Prof. Ahmet Aydın talked about university life after the pandemic. He gave information about what has changed in education and living habits and achievements gained during the pandemic. “We understood the importance of using technology in the period we left behind, but my suggestion is that it is much more important to know and find what you want instead of daily trends,” he said. Vice Rector Aydın emphasized the importance of supporting students with projects and various studies in addition to theories and processes in university education.


The program can be accessed at the link below: