1. Sönmez C, Yücel AA Yesil TH, Kucuk H, Sezgin B, Mercan R, Yücel AE, Yanikkaya Demirel G. Corraletion Between IL-17A/F, IL-23, IL-35 and IL-12/-23 (p40) Levels in Peripheral Blood Lyphocyte Cultures and Disease Activity in Behcet’s Patients. Clin Rheumatol. 2018 Mar 20. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4049-7.
2. Sezer UA, Ozturk K, Aru B, Demirel GY, Sezer S. A design achieved by coaxial electrospinning of polysulfone and sulfonated polysulfone as a core-shell structure to optimize mechanical strength and hemocompatibility. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2017.
3. Terzioğlu G, Örmeci B, Türksoy Ö, Sayman C, Çınar N, Öztürk GA, Demirel GY. Mitochondrial depletion in CD4+ and CD19+ peripheral lymphocytes in early stage Alzheimer's disease. Mech Ageing Dev. 2017 Oct;167:24-29.
4. Baştürk B, Mercan F, Kapuağası A, Savran Oğuz F, Yanıkkaya Demirel G, Öktem İMA, Aslan A, Yılmaz S, Okumuş N, Gümüş E. A 3-Year Program From the Turkish Ministry of Health for Standardization and Service Quality Improvement of Transplant and Tissue Typing Laboratories in Turkey. Exp Clin Transplant. 2017 Aug;15(4):480-482.
5. Sezer UA, Ozturk K, Aru B, Demirel GY, Sezer S, Bozkurt MR. Zero valent zinc nanoparticles promote neuroglial cell proliferation: A biodegradable and conductive filler candidate for nerve regeneration. J Material Science-Materials in Medicine. 2017; 28(1): article 19.
6. Akdeniz FT, Akbulut Z, Sarı H, Aydın H, Altay, Dalan AB, Şit D, İspir T ,Demirel GY. Effect of Pro-inflammatory Markers on Gestational Diabetes. Turk J Immunol 2017; 5(2):45−50.
7. Atayoğlu K, Gürleyik G, Demirel G, Özkara S. Effect of N-acetylcysteine on neutrophil functions during experimental acute pancreatitis. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2017 Mar;23(2):100-106.
8. Lambert C, Preijers FW, Demirel GY, Sack U. Monocytes and macrophages in flow: An ESCCA initiative on advanced analyses of monocyte lineage using flow cytometry. Cytometry B Clin Cytom 2017; 92(3):180-188.
9. Sahin C, Albayrak O, Akdeniz TF, Akbulut Z, Yanikkaya Demirel G, Aricioglu F. Agmatine Reverses Subchronic Stress induced Nodlike Receptor Protein 3 (NLRP3) Activation and Cytokine Response in Rats. Basic and Clin Pharm Toxicol 2016; 119(4):367-375.
10. Yavuz S, Akdeniz FT, Hancer V, Bicakcigil M, Can M, Yanikkaya-Demirel G. Dual effects of testosterone in Behcet's disease: implications for a role in disease pathogenesis. Genes & Immunity 2016; 17(6): 335-341.
11. Sezer, UA, Kocer Z, Aru B, Yanikkaya Demirel G, Gulmez M, Aktekin A, Ozkara S, Sezer S. Combination of gelatin and tranexamic acid offers improved haemostasis and safe use on internal hemorrhage control. RSC Advances 2016; 6(97):95189-95.
12. Eren Z, Gunal MY, Ari E. Coban J, Cakalagaoglu F, Caglayan B, Beker MÇ, Akdeniz T, Yanikkaya Demirel G, Kilic E, Kantarci G. Pleiotropic and Renoprotective Effects of Erythropoietin Beta on Experimental Diabetic Nephropathy Model. Nephron 2016; 132(4):292-300.
13. Baris S, Ozen A, Akdeniz T, Karakoc-Aydıner E, Aydin O, Ercan H, Ogulur I, Camcioglu Y, Cengizlier R, Demirkesen C, Yucelten D, Demirel G, Barlan IB. House Dust Mites Confer a Distinct Immunological Feature among Dermatitis. Iranian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology 2016; 15(4):264-274 ·
14. Eren Z, Günal MY, Bakir EA, Coban J, Çağlayan B, Ekimci N, Ethemoglu S, Albayrak O, Akdeniz T, Demirel GY, Kiliç E, Kantarci G. Effects of paricalcitol and aliskiren combination therapy on experimental diabetic nephropathy model in rats. Kidney Blood Press Res. 39(6):581-90 (2014).
15. Sack U, Barnett D, Demirel GY, Fossat C, Fricke S, Kafassi N, Nebe T, Psarra K, Steinmann J, Lambert C. Accreditation of flow cytometry in Europe. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 84(3):135-42 (2013).